Empowering youth with mental health awareness

There is a noticeable shift around mental health. 

No longer confined to the shadows, we’re starting to hear conversations around mental wellness built into our everyday dialogue. Mental health care is being acknowledged and recognized in conversations around our physical health. It’s being built into workplace cultures. Mental health is discussed at home. 

Who’s leading the charge? It’s our young community members — the future leaders and advocates of tomorrow. 

Community Helpers

One initiative that is supporting our youth with this movement is the Community Helpers Program, mental health training tailored specifically for young adults. Developed with Alberta Health Services, this program not only aims to enhance community understanding of mental wellness, but it also equips participants with invaluable skills to support others effectively. 

Designed for individuals between 12 and 30 years, the curriculum is comprehensive and dynamic. Participants embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, exploring topics that form the foundation of mental health advocacy. 

The program covers everything from the ethics of helping to active listening, strategies, and healthy boundaries. Participants will also spend time on introspective reflection to learn their own personal limits. When should they extend a helping hand and when should they step back, to ensure their own well-being remains a priority. 

The Community Helpers Program stands as a testament to the power of education and the role empathy plays in breaking down barriers surrounding mental health. By empowering our young people with the tools and knowledge to support one another, we pave the way for a brighter, more compassionate future. 

Upcoming programs

The Community Helpers Program will be offered in partnership with the Wood Buffalo Regional Library, beginning on April 30. Click here for more information and to join the waitlist.

If you’re interested in having the Community Helpers Program facilitated in your school or at your organization, please contact Laurie Juhlin, the SOS Community Helpers coordinator at ljuhlin@someothersolutions.ca

Some Other Solutions