Gratitude: a healing force

Showing appreciation for things such as our health, love, and beauty is incredibly beneficial. Gratitude possesses the ability to bring about profound healing.

Additionally, sharing your gratitude by donating to charitable causes and selflessly assisting others is a wonderful way to give back and express your gratitude by making a positive impact on the world you live in. By doing so, not only will others benefit, but you will also experience personal satisfaction and fulfilment of having made a positive impact with your life! And that is powerful.

Practising gratitude also has,  believe it or not, physical and emotional benefits including:

And if you stop to think about it, there really is an abundance of things you can find to be grateful for, from the simplest aspects of life like our breath and heartbeat to cherishing our relationships and appreciating the beauty of nature. 

World Gratitude Day is September 21

Since adopting a grateful mindset can help provide a sense of freedom and assurance about your place in the world, why does it not surprise us that World Gratitude Day was established on a vernal equinox in Hawaii, on one of the most balanced days of the year, in one of the most beautiful places in the world? Since that day in 1965, people worldwide have been commemorating and embracing the spirit of gratitude every year on September 21st!

Interestingly, September 21 is also celebrated as the International Day of Peace… it seems the entire world utilises this time of year to take steps towards finding harmony and forgiveness! 

This year, let us wholeheartedly embrace the spirit of gratitude and peace on September 21, making it a day filled with love, appreciation, and positivity. 

Let's help the planet embrace #WorldGratitudeDay on social media and spread appreciation using the official hashtag! On this day, let's also recognize the International Day of Peace, aiming for inner peace and understanding to create unity and harmony. 

Together, gratitude and peace can bring lasting change.

If you or someone you care about would benefit from counselling sessions that explore the hidden power of gratitude, we are available to assist you. Visit our website to book a session and unlock the transformative potential of gratitude in your life.

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