Mentorship: more than one month

January is Mentorship Month and there has been a lot of chatter about the power of mentorship and why it matters. But embracing mentorship is more than just a once-a-year focus. Mentorship is an invaluable resource that goes beyond a calendar month. 

No matter the season, a mentor has the power to help someone — of any age — grow personally and professionally. 

Here are our top three reasons why mentorship matters…all year long. 

Learning and Development

We don’t reach out for mentorship advice and support one time and that’s it. The relationship is an ongoing process to facilitate continuous learning and development. Over the course of a year, we all face various challenges and opportunities. Having that consistent source of guidance can help you navigate obstacles and explore new opportunities. Added bonus? You’ll get used to lifelong learning!

Become adaptable to change

Call it building resilience or learning to be adaptable, mentorship can help people young and old navigate change. Because let’s face it — the world is all about change. Whether it’s providing advice and perspective or offering skills and training, a mentor can help mentees stay relevant and resilient in an ever-changing environment.

Building a support system and a network

A support system doesn’t stop when mentorship month ends. Consistent, ongoing support from a mentor can be vital, especially for young people, as they build resilience, overcoming challenges and celebrate successes. Mentorship is often the start of creating a professional network. Whether you’re in high school and looking for that first job, or if you’re mid-career and looking to grow, a mentor can provide introductions to valuable contacts, share insights about industry events and facilitate networking opportunities.

Mentorship is not a seasonal affair, but rather a timeless investment in personal and professional growth. 

At Some Other Solutions, our primary focus is on providing mentorship opportunities for young people in our community. We believe that a positive adult role-model is vital to the healthy progression of every child. Learn more about SOS mentorship here. 

Some Other Solutions